A single bomber felled the largest ship in any Star Wars movie, stripping the First Order of its fear-factor. Not one of the First Order’s countless TIE Fighters could destroy the Resistance’s last of its dozen-or-so B/SF-17s. In the film’s opening sequence, the First Order’s most intimidating ship to date, the Dreadnought, which are described as “fleet killers” by Poe Dameron, was destroyed by a lone bomber, moving without haste nor agility. In one fell swoop, the New Republic was decimated by Starkiller Base, which left room for the First Order to assume tyrannical rule of the galaxy far, far away.Īlthough the Resistance destroyed Starkiller Base, it cemented the First Order as a force to be reckoned with, and one that would not be going away for some time. The Death Star paled in comparison to the Starkiller Base the former could destroy one planet at a time, where the latter could destroy several at once. Where the Empire had Imperial Star Destroyers, the First Order had the Finalizer. When the First Order debuted on the big-screen, they rivaled the Empire in its size and menace.