If things are not clear, you can always reach out to us to ask any questions. This is what determines the order of your files within your transfer. Here is a table which shows the characters in order. ASCII is a character encoding standard for electronic communication. Want the techie bits? Well, we follow ASCII guidelines. This tutorial will show you how to rename any shortcuts you want in the Win+X Quick Link menu for your account in Windows 10. This means thats Column A gets reordered into Column B: COLUMN Aīut Column C gets reordered into Column D: COLUMN C How to Rename Shortcuts in Win+X Quick Link Menu in Windows 10 The Win+X Quick Link menu is a pop-up menu from the Start button that includes shortcuts of common management, configuration, and other power user Windows tools. Numbers and capital letters will also factor into the reordering, but in a very literal fashion. The files will be reordered "Alice", "Bob" and "Carl". So if you have files named "Bob", "Carl and "Alice" and you add them to your transfer window. Well, to keep things simple, your files are sorted alphabetically when you add them to your transfer window and then when you hit transfer, they are sent in that order.

Ever wondered how we decide the order of your files?